Saturday, 21 July 2007

Has she gone yet?

Has she gone yet? A question that was asked many, many times before I actually left to go travelling. I think I managed to have around 10 leaving do's - any excuse for a party in my book! As my mum so eloquently put it - 'you took longer to leave than Tony Blair!' Barbs is not often wrong and yet again she's right!! And frankly rightly so - personally I'd like to think more people were less happy about me going (in the sense they'd miss me!) than Tony Blair. Anyway, won't dwell on that too much!!

I will be adding some pics of the various 'leaving' dos I had (having probs working out how to upload them at the mo)- from London, Paris, Juan Les Pins, Brighton and Ibiza Town - think a substantial area of Europe knew I was heading off travelling. Any excuse for a piss-up really but to be honest I've left feeling utterly thrilled I have so many gorgeous friends. Naturally I'm missing you all massively but I'm managing to cope now I've settled into the whole travelling 'thang' now I've spent a week or so in Thailand.

I've finally made it here in one piece. Journey was pretty smooth; the stewardesses gave me pitying looks as I wept from London and finally stopped as we flew over Turkey. The weeping was definitely a combination of the heinous hangover (that'll be the whisky shots around 5hrs before I had to get up - thanks Oli, Nat and Eve!!) and the various emotional good-byes I've had over the last couple of days. I actually don't think I have another tear left in my body!!

Once I'd finally stopped sobbing I got chatting to Doug, an oil digger from Canada. Nearly felt like crying again after a two hour conversation about him about his life on an oil rig, his problems with his girlfriend and why every five mins a little black bug appears on the planes tv screen (no I'm not joking).

The flight from Bahrain to Bangkok was much more interesting - this time I was sitting next to Chris. A rather large yank who also worked in the oil business but was married to a Thai. Naturally my mind went into over drive and I quickly had him talking about his life, why he married a Thai, how they get on - the works. It was fascinating esp as I confusing him with quite direct, dare I say confrontational and some might even say judgemental questions mixed with easy 'I'm so open minded ones'. He was confused but spilt the beans anyway!!

Arrived late at night in Koh Phangan and I'm staying at The Sanctuary which is gorgeous.

Slight mix-up with the room situation and I arrived last night to find they didn't have the room I'd requested. 'Thankfully' they had a Thai style room which is lovely but it is really traditional in the sense there are dirty great big gaps between the roof and the walls. Thankfully it's on stilts but the advice from Vic and Paul 'make sure you only sleep in a room where the walls join the roof' rang in my ears (kinda like the line from American Ware wolf in London - 'stay off the moors, don't leave the path') as I walked in and saw a dirty great big moth on the mosi net. I'm coping though, despite an altercation with a bat IN MY ROOM last night (I gave Tarzan a run for his money in the yelling stakes...not that anyone came to my rescue!!).

After the bat situation I kept hearing all sorts of noises from shrieks to rustles so I did what I think any 'normal' person would do. I knocked myself out with 2 of the strongest Valium I have. Now I'm really not so sure about trekking in the jungle as I'd originally planned. I might as well be shacked up with Tarzan the amount of animals and noises I'm 'experiencing' at the moment - and I've only been here for one night - EEKKKK!

The weather is scorching so tanning isn't a problem (phew!) and it's very relaxed here; nice atmosphere, friendly people etc. I have already met a couple of people - all of which are easy to get on with, very nice and one or two are inwardly making me double up and howl with laughter!! One is a tantric master called Toni.

Toni is a Californian former TV producer who is now a trantric master (natural transition!). She's 63 but looks in he mid 50's mainly due to the amount of work she's had done (I'm trying to paint a picture for you here - not being a bitch!), she has bobbed blonde hair and looks amazing for her age. . I met her over dinner when she introduced herself as being able to ejaculate and can have an orgasm for up to 15 minutes (does anyone have time for an orgasm which lasts 15 mins?).

Funnily enough she travels around offering workshops in tantric so it may come as no surprise to you that she's actively recruiting where ever she goes. Comments like 'female ejaculation is so life enriching' while I'm eating seafood pad Thai will stay with me forever!!

I managed to avoid the workshop and last time I saw her she was banging on about how tantric should be introduced to the national curriculum (que raised eyebrows!) - sure Gordon Brown will be seriously considering that as a policy!!

Also met another Californian called called Michael. Lovely guy but he's one of those who uses massage - apparently he's been trained in Thai massage - to try to pull you. One minute you're sitting or lying there catching some sun, the next minute Michael is 'massaging' your neck. Had to give Michael a little lesson in personal space - I suspect he won't be trying his massaging skills on my again!!

But it's not all tantric 'masters' and massage 'experts' - don't get me wrong everyone I've meet has been nice enough and I've managed to make some new 'friends' along the way. Been spending a bit of time with Ayesha who I met on the boat from Samui to KPN, Kelly and Matt British couple who I met in Koh Tao and the lovely Hannah - arguably one of the funniest people I've met to date. Calls a spade a spade and likes a good laugh. Perfect. There's also Emily (friend of Ayesha) who I'm travelling with around Thailand for the next month.

So you'll be pleased (or rather sad, surely?!) to hear I've definitely gone and I'm having the time of my life!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beyond any doubt blog with beneficial informations.